CNERG / Members of CNERG Community

Research Interests
- multiphysics modeling and simulation
- neutronics for reactor design
- Monte Carlo methods for radiation transport
- Generation IV reactors
- high performance computing
- Open-Source Software
Current Projects
- Cardinal is an Open-Source MOOSE (Multiphysics Object-Oriented Simulation Environment) Application developed at Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign. I am using it to model the Virtual Test Bed’s Gas Cooled Microreactor
- OpenMC is an Open-Source Monte Carlo code developed at Argonne National Laboratory. It is one of the tools that interfaces with Cardinal
- University of Wisconsin - Madison, PhD Nuclear Engineering, Current Student
- University of Wisconsin - Madison, MS Nuclear Engineering, Fall 2020
- University of Wisconsin - Madison, BS Nuclear Engineering, Certificates in Mathematics and Physics Summer 2018
- Verification of the Cardinal Multiphysics Solver for 1-D Coupled Heat Transfer and Neutron Transport. Lewis Gross, April Novak, Patrick Shriwise, and Paul P. H. Wilson. International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering. August 2023.
- Exploring Effects of Homogenization on an OpenMC Depletion Analysis of a TRISO Fueled, Helium Cooled Microreactor Lewis Gross, Patrick Shriwise, Benjamin Lindley, Paul P. H. Wilson. International Conference on Physics of Reactors. April 2024.
Prior Research and Industry Experience
- Argonne National Lab. Research Aide (Intern), Summer 2022
- Phoenix, LLC. Nuclear Analysis Intern, Summer 2018
- Heat and Mass Transfer Group, Undergraduate Researcher under Dr. Raluca Scarlat, Summer 2017 - Spring 2018
- Musculoskeletal Research Center, Summer Intern under Dr. Savio Woo, Summer 2015
Current Projects
- High-fidelity Power Distribution and Burnup for Load-Following Microreactor