Research Tools

Specific tools to consider

(Suggest new tools here.)

Version control system that encourages safe, collaborative software development
Web-based interface to publicly accessible git repositories with advanced capability for collaborative software development
Manage your citations, individually or shared with a group, and easily include them in your publications
Chat tool with channels, direct messaging, ad-hoc groups, and integration with other collaborative services
High quality typesetting made easily
Google Drive/Docs/Sheets/Presents
Quick collaborative documents, spreadsheets and presentations
Jupyter Notebooks
Interactive tool for developing and deploying Python code
VS Code
The Integrated Development Environment (IDE) strongly recommended by CNERG
The main container system used for code development in CNERG
Free video conferencing platform, available with UW NetID or private Gmail account
Used to manage a group calendar for meetings, etc.

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Reliable Software Tools for the Analysis of Complex Nuclear Energy Systems

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