Conference Papers
Micah Gale,
Patrick Shriwise,
Paul Wilson,
"Working with Bézier Curves as Nonorthogonal Bases for Functional Expansion Tallies",
ANS M&C 2021 October 3–7, 2021 i Proceedings of The International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C 2025),
(April 27-30 2025)
Functional expansion tallies (FETs) are powerful tools for getting more information per history from Monte Carlo simulations, but in the past they have been constrained to orthogonal bases. Bézier curves are used widely in computer aided design (CAD) geometry kernels and could be well-suited for FETs due to their ability to assume many arbitrary shapes, but they use onorthogonal bases. Recent developments in 2021 have made nonorthogonal FETs possible. The convergence of Bézier curve FETs in both polynomial order and number of samples is explored in this work. It is shown that these bases are well-suited for representing normal distributions and this opens the door to the possibility of other CAD-derived FET bases.
@inproceedings{gale_working_2025, address = {Denver, CO}, title = {Working with {Bézier} {Curves} as {Nonorthogonal} {Bases} for {Functional} {Expansion} {Tallies}}, abstract = {Functional expansion tallies (FETs) are powerful tools for getting more information per history from Monte Carlo simulations, but in the past they have been constrained to orthogonal bases. Bézier curves are used widely in computer aided design (CAD) geometry kernels and could be well-suited for FETs due to their ability to assume many arbitrary shapes, but they use onorthogonal bases. Recent developments in 2021 have made nonorthogonal FETs possible. The convergence of Bézier curve FETs in both polynomial order and number of samples is explored in this work. It is shown that these bases are well-suited for representing normal distributions and this opens the door to the possibility of other CAD-derived FET bases.}, booktitle = {{ANS} {M}\&{C} 2021 {October} 3–7, 2021 i {Proceedings} of {The} {International} {Conference} on {Mathematics} and {Computational} {Methods} {Applied} to {Nuclear} {Science} and {Engineering} ({M}\&{C} 2025)}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Gale, Micah and Shriwise, Patrick and Wilson, Paul}, month = apr, year = {2025}, keywords = {B-spline, Bernstein polynomials, Functional Expansion Tallies, NURBS, bezier, nonorthogonal FET}, }
Kathryn A. Mummah,
Paul P.H. Wilson,
"Cyclus Toolkit Enhancements to Simulate Nuclear Material Buying Patterns",
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Annual Meeting 2024,
@inproceedings{mummah_cyclus_2024, address = {Las Vegas, NV}, title = {Cyclus {Toolkit} {Enhancements} to {Simulate} {Nuclear} {Material} {Buying} {Patterns}}, volume = {130}, url = {}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society}, {Annual} {Meeting} 2024}, author = {Mummah, Kathryn A. and Wilson, Paul P.H.}, month = jun, year = {2024}, note = {(accepted)}, }
Lewis Gross,
Ben Lindley,
Paul P. H. Wilson,
"Exploring Effects of Homogenization on an OpenMC Depletion Analysis of a TRISO Fueled, Helium Cooled Microreactor",
The International Conference on the Physics of Reactors,
(April 2024)
@inproceedings{gross_exploring_2024, address = {San Francisco, CA}, title = {Exploring {Effects} of {Homogenization} on an {OpenMC} {Depletion} {Analysis} of a {TRISO} {Fueled}, {Helium} {Cooled} {Microreactor}}, url = {}, doi = {10.13182/PHYSOR24-43599}, booktitle = {The {International} {Conference} on the {Physics} of {Reactors}}, author = {Gross, Lewis and {Patrick C. Shriwise} and Lindley, Ben and Wilson, Paul P. H.}, month = apr, year = {2024}, pages = {10}, }
Kathryn A. Mummah,
"Bridging the Fidelity Gap in System-Scale Nuclear Fuel Cycle Simulations for Realistic State-Level Nuclear Material Accounting",
Proceedings of Advances in Nonproliferation Technology and Policy Conference 2023,
(November 2023)
@inproceedings{mummah_bridging_2023, address = {Washington D.C.}, title = {Bridging the {Fidelity} {Gap} in {System}-{Scale} {Nuclear} {Fuel} {Cycle} {Simulations} for {Realistic} {State}-{Level} {Nuclear} {Material} {Accounting}}, url = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {Advances} in {Nonproliferation} {Technology} and {Policy} {Conference} 2023}, author = {Mummah, Kathryn A.}, month = nov, year = {2023}, }
Lewis I. Gross,
April J. Novak,
Patrick Shriwise,
Paul P. H. Wilson,
"Verification of the Cardinal Multiphysics Solver for 1-D Coupled Heat Transfer and Neutron Transport",
The International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering,
(August 2023)
Cardinal is a multiphysics software tool that couples OpenMC Monte Carlo transport and NekRS Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to the Multiphysics Object-Oriented Simulation Environment (MOOSE). This work verifies Cardinal for coupled neutron transport and heat conduction using a 1-D analytical solution from previous work by the Naval Nuclear Laboratory. This numerical benchmark includes S2 transport, Doppler-broadened cross sections, thermal conduction and expansion, and convective boundary conditions. The goal of this work is to verify Cardi-nal's basic multiphysics modeling capabilities for coupled neutronics and heat conduction. The benchmark provides analytical solutions for the temperature and flux distributions, as well as the k-eigenvalue. Using these solutions, an L2 error norm was computed for each spatial discretiza-tion: namely finite element heat conduction mesh and Monte Carlo cells. The temperature error showed linear convergence on a log-log plot of error vs. mesh element number, with a slope of −0.9986 (R^2 ≈ 1.0). Nearly all spatial flux predictions, except a few points in the N = 250 case, space were within 2σ of the analytical solution, for Monte Carlo cell counts between 50 and 1000. The eigenvalue k eff also agrees well with the benchmark value for each mesh size. The outcome of this work is verification of coupled Monte Carlo-thermal conduction modeling using Cardinal.
@inproceedings{gross_verification_2023, address = {Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada}, title = {Verification of the {Cardinal} {Multiphysics} {Solver} for 1-{D} {Coupled} {Heat} {Transfer} and {Neutron} {Transport}}, url = {}, abstract = {Cardinal is a multiphysics software tool that couples OpenMC Monte Carlo transport and NekRS Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to the Multiphysics Object-Oriented Simulation Environment (MOOSE). This work verifies Cardinal for coupled neutron transport and heat conduction using a 1-D analytical solution from previous work by the Naval Nuclear Laboratory. This numerical benchmark includes S2 transport, Doppler-broadened cross sections, thermal conduction and expansion, and convective boundary conditions. The goal of this work is to verify Cardi-nal's basic multiphysics modeling capabilities for coupled neutronics and heat conduction. The benchmark provides analytical solutions for the temperature and flux distributions, as well as the k-eigenvalue. Using these solutions, an L2 error norm was computed for each spatial discretiza-tion: namely finite element heat conduction mesh and Monte Carlo cells. The temperature error showed linear convergence on a log-log plot of error vs. mesh element number, with a slope of −0.9986 (R{\textasciicircum}2 ≈ 1.0). Nearly all spatial flux predictions, except a few points in the N = 250 case, space were within 2σ of the analytical solution, for Monte Carlo cell counts between 50 and 1000. The eigenvalue k eff also agrees well with the benchmark value for each mesh size. The outcome of this work is verification of coupled Monte Carlo-thermal conduction modeling using Cardinal.}, booktitle = {The {International} {Conference} on {Mathematics} and {Computational} {Methods} {Applied} to {Nuclear} {Science} and {Engineering}}, author = {Gross, Lewis I. and Novak, April J. and Shriwise, Patrick and Wilson, Paul P. H.}, month = aug, year = {2023}, pages = {10}, }
Chelsea D'Angelo,
Paul P. H. WILSON,
"SDR Calculations Involving Geometry Movement After Shutdown",
Porceedings of the 14th International Conference on Radiation Shielding and 21st Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division,
(2022-09-25 9/25/22-9/29/22)
@inproceedings{dangelo_sdr_2022, address = {Seattle, WA, USA}, title = {{SDR} {Calculations} {Involving} {Geometry} {Movement} {After} {Shutdown}}, url = {}, booktitle = {Porceedings of the 14th {International} {Conference} on {Radiation} {Shielding} and 21st {Topical} {Meeting} of the {Radiation} {Protection} and {Shielding} {Division}}, author = {D'Angelo, Chelsea and WILSON, Paul P. H.}, month = sep, year = {2022}, }
Kathryn Mummah,
P. P.H WIlson,
"Integrating Acquisition Pathway Analysis Into The Cyclus Fuel Cycle Simulator",
Proceedings of the 61st INMM Meeting,
(July 2020)
The IAEA considers a State’s entire fuel cycle capability when evaluating and implementing safeguards, a process known as the State-Level Approach. Conducting Acquisition Path Analysis (APA) is one aspect of ensuring efficient use of safeguards resources and an objective evaluation of member States. APA is designed to identify, characterize, and rank technically-feasible pathways through a fuel cycle to produce weapons-usable material. This paper covers the integration of APA techniques into the Cyclus fuel cycle simulator. Material flowing through a nuclear fuel cycle can be represented by a directed graph (digraph) with vertices V(D) repre- senting facilities and edges E(D) representing trade or material transport. In a Cyclus input file, a user defines a set of facility prototypes and the commodities that can be traded between them. From this user-specified fuel cycle, a digraph is generated representing all possible commodity trades between facilities. Graph traversal techniques are used to enumerate all pathways for material to flow through the given fuel cycle. Pathways that produce weapons-usable material are filtered and further analyzed. Due to the flexibility of the Cyclus fuel cycle simulator, this method works for any fuel cycle, including ones that use closed facility models that are not part of the open source Cyclus and Cycamore facility libraries.
@inproceedings{mummah_integrating_2020, title = {Integrating {Acquisition} {Pathway} {Analysis} {Into} {The} {Cyclus} {Fuel} {Cycle} {Simulator}}, url = {}, abstract = {The IAEA considers a State’s entire fuel cycle capability when evaluating and implementing safeguards, a process known as the State-Level Approach. Conducting Acquisition Path Analysis (APA) is one aspect of ensuring efficient use of safeguards resources and an objective evaluation of member States. APA is designed to identify, characterize, and rank technically-feasible pathways through a fuel cycle to produce weapons-usable material. This paper covers the integration of APA techniques into the Cyclus fuel cycle simulator. Material flowing through a nuclear fuel cycle can be represented by a directed graph (digraph) with vertices V(D) repre- senting facilities and edges E(D) representing trade or material transport. In a Cyclus input file, a user defines a set of facility prototypes and the commodities that can be traded between them. From this user-specified fuel cycle, a digraph is generated representing all possible commodity trades between facilities. Graph traversal techniques are used to enumerate all pathways for material to flow through the given fuel cycle. Pathways that produce weapons-usable material are filtered and further analyzed. Due to the flexibility of the Cyclus fuel cycle simulator, this method works for any fuel cycle, including ones that use closed facility models that are not part of the open source Cyclus and Cycamore facility libraries.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 61st {INMM} {Meeting}}, author = {Mummah, Kathryn and WIlson, P. P.H}, month = jul, year = {2020}, }
YoungHui Park,
Ye Cheng,
Rabab Elzohery,
Paul P.H. Wilson,
Jeremy A. Roberts,
et al,
"Evaluation of Critical Experiments in the University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor (UWNR) with Uncertainty Quantification",
Proceedings of the PHYSOR 2020,
(March 29 - April 2, 2020 (Cancelled))
An improved computational model for the University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor (UWNR) has been developed to facilitate automated input generation, data provenance, and modularity for alternate representations. This development was initiated as part of efforts to evaluate recent data acquired during an experimental campaign conducted at UWNR to generate benchmark data for validation. Specifically, this evaluation effort aims to contribute a number of fresh and depleted critical (CRIT) configurations of UWNR as well as steady-state and transient reaction-rate (RRATE) measurements. Previous efforts led to a scripted UWNR model that supports automated generation of inputs for MCNP and Serpent. Recently, this capability was extended to SCALE/KENO, which required significant changes to the underlying geometry and material representations. All three Monte Carlo tools (MCNP, Serpent, and KENO) are being used to evaluate a variety of zero-power, fresh-critical configuration and will be used to model burnup for evaluation of depleted-critical configurations. The inclusion of SCALE/KENO input generation makes possible a variety of sensitivity and uncertainty analyses using the TSUNAMI and SAMPLER modules of SCALE. In addition, an automated mesh-generation option was added based on the UW-developed, MCNP-to-CAD plugin. As a result, a meshed geometry for use with deterministic tools (e.g., MAMMOTH/Rattlesnake) can be produced that is fully consistent with the Monte Carlo models. Work is ongoing to develop a full core model in MAMMOTH/Rattlesnake, which is a deterministic code based on the MOOSE framework. This model will be used for the evaluation of several transient experiments conducted at UWNR. Preliminary results of fresh-critical configurations show a good agreement among the four codes and experimental data. Also, preliminary results of depleted-critical configurations indicate that the depleted core model successfully tracks core reactivity over time as long as an initial (but relatively small) reactivity bias is eliminated. Formal uncertainty quantification will be carried out using SCALE to study the impact of model uncertainties on the effective multiplication factor and other observables. In conclusion, the evaluation of UWNR benchmark data provides increased confidence in various states/configurations of the UWNR computational model and will provide a unique model for use by other analysts.
@inproceedings{park_evaluation_2020, address = {Cambridge, United Kingdom}, title = {Evaluation of {Critical} {Experiments} in the {University} of {Wisconsin} {Nuclear} {Reactor} ({UWNR}) with {Uncertainty} {Quantification}}, isbn = {978-1-5272-6447-2}, url = {}, abstract = {An improved computational model for the University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor (UWNR) has been developed to facilitate automated input generation, data provenance, and modularity for alternate representations. This development was initiated as part of efforts to evaluate recent data acquired during an experimental campaign conducted at UWNR to generate benchmark data for validation. Specifically, this evaluation effort aims to contribute a number of fresh and depleted critical (CRIT) configurations of UWNR as well as steady-state and transient reaction-rate (RRATE) measurements. Previous efforts led to a scripted UWNR model that supports automated generation of inputs for MCNP and Serpent. Recently, this capability was extended to SCALE/KENO, which required significant changes to the underlying geometry and material representations. All three Monte Carlo tools (MCNP, Serpent, and KENO) are being used to evaluate a variety of zero-power, fresh-critical configuration and will be used to model burnup for evaluation of depleted-critical configurations. The inclusion of SCALE/KENO input generation makes possible a variety of sensitivity and uncertainty analyses using the TSUNAMI and SAMPLER modules of SCALE. In addition, an automated mesh-generation option was added based on the UW-developed, MCNP-to-CAD plugin. As a result, a meshed geometry for use with deterministic tools (e.g., MAMMOTH/Rattlesnake) can be produced that is fully consistent with the Monte Carlo models. Work is ongoing to develop a full core model in MAMMOTH/Rattlesnake, which is a deterministic code based on the MOOSE framework. This model will be used for the evaluation of several transient experiments conducted at UWNR. Preliminary results of fresh-critical configurations show a good agreement among the four codes and experimental data. Also, preliminary results of depleted-critical configurations indicate that the depleted core model successfully tracks core reactivity over time as long as an initial (but relatively small) reactivity bias is eliminated. Formal uncertainty quantification will be carried out using SCALE to study the impact of model uncertainties on the effective multiplication factor and other observables. In conclusion, the evaluation of UWNR benchmark data provides increased confidence in various states/configurations of the UWNR computational model and will provide a unique model for use by other analysts.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {PHYSOR} 2020}, author = {Park, YoungHui and Cheng, Ye and Elzohery, Rabab and Wilson, Paul P.H. and Roberts, Jeremy A. and DeHart, Mark D.}, month = apr, year = {2020}, pages = {10}, }
Kalin R. Kiesling,
Paul P.H. Wilson,
"Preliminary Results for Particle Tracking on Weight Window Isosurface Geometries for Monte Carlo Variance Reduction",
ANS Winter Meeting 2019 Transactions,
(October 19, 2019)
@inproceedings{kiesling_preliminary_2019, address = {Washington, D.C.}, title = {Preliminary {Results} for {Particle} {Tracking} on {Weight} {Window} {Isosurface} {Geometries} for {Monte} {Carlo} {Variance} {Reduction}}, volume = {121}, booktitle = {{ANS} {Winter} {Meeting} 2019 {Transactions}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Kiesling, Kalin R. and Wilson, Paul P.H.}, month = oct, year = {2019}, pages = {755--758}, }
Kathryn Mummah,
Rian Bahran,
Karen Miller,
Paul PH Wilson,,
"Acquisition Pathway Analysis using Fuel Cycle Simulators",
Proceedings of the 60th INMM Meeting,
(July 17, 2019)
As part of a comprehensive safeguards evaluation, Acquisition Path Analysis (APA) of a State provides a method to “analyze the plausible paths by which, from a technical point of view, nuclear material suitable for use in a nuclear weapon or other nuclear explosive device could be acquired” APA is part of an effort by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of international safeguards by considering each State as a whole and not just a collection of individual facilities. Nuclear fuel cycle simulators (FCS) codes are fundamentally tools to track material as it undergoes chemical and nuclear changes and moves between facilities in a nuclear fuel cycle. The ability to model facilities at high fidelity creates the opportunity to study the material throughput in an individual facility, for a potential acquisition path, or for a full set of nuclear facilities mimicking a State. This throughput tracking can also be coupled with the ability to study dynamic scenarios where facilities may be opening, retiring, or ramping up (down) in production. The use of FCS tools has the ability to add in-depth modeling capability to APA and inform the continued effort to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of international safeguards.
@inproceedings{mummah_acquisition_2019, address = {Palm Desert, CA, USA}, title = {Acquisition {Pathway} {Analysis} using {Fuel} {Cycle} {Simulators}}, abstract = {As part of a comprehensive safeguards evaluation, Acquisition Path Analysis (APA) of a State provides a method to “analyze the plausible paths by which, from a technical point of view, nuclear material suitable for use in a nuclear weapon or other nuclear explosive device could be acquired” APA is part of an effort by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of international safeguards by considering each State as a whole and not just a collection of individual facilities. Nuclear fuel cycle simulators (FCS) codes are fundamentally tools to track material as it undergoes chemical and nuclear changes and moves between facilities in a nuclear fuel cycle. The ability to model facilities at high fidelity creates the opportunity to study the material throughput in an individual facility, for a potential acquisition path, or for a full set of nuclear facilities mimicking a State. This throughput tracking can also be coupled with the ability to study dynamic scenarios where facilities may be opening, retiring, or ramping up (down) in production. The use of FCS tools has the ability to add in-depth modeling capability to APA and inform the continued effort to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of international safeguards.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 60th {INMM} {Meeting}}, author = {Mummah, Kathryn and Bahran, Rian and Miller, Karen and Wilson,, Paul PH}, month = jul, year = {2019}, }
Baptiste Mouginot,
Kathryn Mummah,
Paul P.H. Wilson,
"Assessing Material Inventory Uncertainties in Integrated Fuel Cycle Simulations",
Proceedings of the 2018 Advances in Nuclear Nonproliferation Technology and Policy Conference,
(September 23-27, 2018)
@inproceedings{mouginot_assessing_2018, address = {Wilmington, NC}, title = {Assessing {Material} {Inventory} {Uncertainties} in {Integrated} {Fuel} {Cycle} {Simulations}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2018 {Advances} in {Nuclear} {Nonproliferation} {Technology} and {Policy} {Conference}}, author = {Mouginot, Baptiste and Mummah, Kathryn and Wilson, Paul P.H.}, month = sep, year = {2018}, keywords = {NEWTON}, }
Young-Hui Park,
Alexander Swenson,
P.P.H Wilson,
Ye Cheng,
Richard L. Reed,
et al,
"Improved modeling of the University of Wisconsin nuclear reactor by automatic generation of computational models",
PHYSOR 2018,
(April 2018)
Computational models for the University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor (UWNR) exist primarily to support the design of experiments, including an impending measurement of transient reactor physics behavior. Prior modeling efforts faced inherent challenges on long term maintainability and usability. Therefore, an improved model has been built with the following features: (1) documentation with reliable source of data, (2) build consistency by virtue of automation, (3) human readability and transparency of implemented changes on the model, (4) configuration management by version control, and (5) modularity for alternate representations. The benefits of these improvements are examined in terms of model accuracy, flexibility of modeling choices, and predictive analysis of the reactor conditions. MCNP6 demonstrated a computational bias of 604 ± 48 pcm, and Serpent showed an additional bias of 28 ± 23 pcm relative to the MCNP6 results. A study of the impact of varying modeling choices during burnup simulation found that the fuel discretization is important because of the higher fidelity representation of the temperature distribution, and therefore the variations in isotopic evolution. Estimates of the core life and power peaking factors were then generated using both MCNP6 and Serpent, using models automatically generated from the same source data.
@inproceedings{park_improved_2018, address = {Cancun, Mexico}, title = {Improved modeling of the {University} of {Wisconsin} nuclear reactor by automatic generation of computational models}, abstract = {Computational models for the University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor (UWNR) exist primarily to support the design of experiments, including an impending measurement of transient reactor physics behavior. Prior modeling efforts faced inherent challenges on long term maintainability and usability. Therefore, an improved model has been built with the following features: (1) documentation with reliable source of data, (2) build consistency by virtue of automation, (3) human readability and transparency of implemented changes on the model, (4) configuration management by version control, and (5) modularity for alternate representations. The benefits of these improvements are examined in terms of model accuracy, flexibility of modeling choices, and predictive analysis of the reactor conditions. MCNP6 demonstrated a computational bias of 604 ± 48 pcm, and Serpent showed an additional bias of 28 ± 23 pcm relative to the MCNP6 results. A study of the impact of varying modeling choices during burnup simulation found that the fuel discretization is important because of the higher fidelity representation of the temperature distribution, and therefore the variations in isotopic evolution. Estimates of the core life and power peaking factors were then generated using both MCNP6 and Serpent, using models automatically generated from the same source data.}, booktitle = {{PHYSOR} 2018}, author = {Park, Young-Hui and Swenson, Alexander and Wilson, P.P.H and Cheng, Ye and Reed, Richard L. and Roberts, Jeremy A.}, month = apr, year = {2018}, }
Patrick Shriwise,
Andrew Davis,
Lucas Jacobson,
Paul Wilson,
"Particle Tracking Accelerations via Signed Distance Fields in DAGMC",
(April 16-20, 2017)
CAD-based Monte Carlo radtiaion transport is of value to the nuclear engineering community for its ability to conduct transport on high fidelity models of nuclear systems, but it is more computationally expensive than native geometry representations. This work describes the adaptation of a rendering data structure, the signed distance field, as a geometric query tool for accelerating CAD-based transport in the Direct Accelerated Monte Carlo (DAGMC) toolkit. Demonstrations of its effectiveness are shown for a number of problems. The beginnings of a predictive model for the data structure's utilization based on various problem parameters is also introduced.
@inproceedings{shriwise_particle_2017, address = {Jeju, South Korea}, title = {Particle {Tracking} {Accelerations} via {Signed} {Distance} {Fields} in {DAGMC}}, abstract = {CAD-based Monte Carlo radtiaion transport is of value to the nuclear engineering community for its ability to conduct transport on high fidelity models of nuclear systems, but it is more computationally expensive than native geometry representations. This work describes the adaptation of a rendering data structure, the signed distance field, as a geometric query tool for accelerating CAD-based transport in the Direct Accelerated Monte Carlo (DAGMC) toolkit. Demonstrations of its effectiveness are shown for a number of problems. The beginnings of a predictive model for the data structure's utilization based on various problem parameters is also introduced.}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Shriwise, Patrick and Davis, Andrew and Jacobson, Lucas and Wilson, Paul}, month = apr, year = {2017}, }
M.B. McGarry,
M. Fisher,
D. Djokic,
A. Opotowsky,
"Earlier Integration of Nuclear Science and Security Policy Training Could Bridge the Gap between Nuclear Security Professionals",
Proceedings of the 57th INMM Annual Meeting,
Training nuclear security professionals revolves around a central question: What is the best way to equip future security leaders to address global challenges, in both the policy and technology realms? Despite an increasing emphasis on the need of policymakers and scientists to work more closely together, there is little opportunity to ‘crossover’ through traditional educational or professional avenues. An absence of effective ‘hybrid’ opportunities in the education of nuclear issues is rooted in the historically fundamentally different structure of training policymakers and scientists, with varying metrics of success. Five broadly divergent areas have been identified as contributing barriers to interdisciplinary collaboration. A Relationship Gap develops as incongruent professional timelines result in a dearth of interdisciplinary networking opportunities. A Training Gap exists because students are often trained to focus on either a technical or policy-oriented field, with little formal support for development of both. A Culture Gap develops as policy professionals and scientists cultivate different professional languages, values, and products. These three gaps combine to facilitate two overarching gaps. Under the Expectation Gap, traditional expectations of Masters or PhD candidates confine career options within academia or national labs. The Career Gap arises because employers often do not adequately value a hybrid approach to training in both science and policy. The result of these gaps is that the formal educational and career development framework in nuclear security is now out of step with the emerging need for interdisciplinary specialists spanning the private sector, public sector, think tanks, and international organizations and more, dealing with issues ranging from public health and biotechnology to cyber security and more. There is a strong need for increased collaboration between technical and policy fields in the nuclear security arena. Moreover, there should be clear advocacy for an integrated nuclear security education pipeline through the early and mid-career stages. While attempts have been made to bridge the aforementioned gaps, progress remains slow. In this paper, proposals to address this divide are discussed: harmonization of technical and policy fields through interdisciplinary internship and research experiences, requirements for training outside the main field of study, promotion of certificate programs, expansion of hybrid career opportunities, establishment of crossover opportunities or introduction of a foreign service-like program that extends beyond the short term. These measures could improve understanding and communication on both sides of the technical-policy divide, leading to more integrated approaches to addressing nuclear security issues
@inproceedings{mcgarry_earlier_2017, address = {Atlanta}, title = {Earlier {Integration} of {Nuclear} {Science} and {Security} {Policy} {Training} {Could} {Bridge} the {Gap} between {Nuclear} {Security} {Professionals}}, abstract = {Training nuclear security professionals revolves around a central question: What is the best way to equip future security leaders to address global challenges, in both the policy and technology realms? Despite an increasing emphasis on the need of policymakers and scientists to work more closely together, there is little opportunity to ‘crossover’ through traditional educational or professional avenues. An absence of effective ‘hybrid’ opportunities in the education of nuclear issues is rooted in the historically fundamentally different structure of training policymakers and scientists, with varying metrics of success. Five broadly divergent areas have been identified as contributing barriers to interdisciplinary collaboration. A Relationship Gap develops as incongruent professional timelines result in a dearth of interdisciplinary networking opportunities. A Training Gap exists because students are often trained to focus on either a technical or policy-oriented field, with little formal support for development of both. A Culture Gap develops as policy professionals and scientists cultivate different professional languages, values, and products. These three gaps combine to facilitate two overarching gaps. Under the Expectation Gap, traditional expectations of Masters or PhD candidates confine career options within academia or national labs. The Career Gap arises because employers often do not adequately value a hybrid approach to training in both science and policy. The result of these gaps is that the formal educational and career development framework in nuclear security is now out of step with the emerging need for interdisciplinary specialists spanning the private sector, public sector, think tanks, and international organizations and more, dealing with issues ranging from public health and biotechnology to cyber security and more. There is a strong need for increased collaboration between technical and policy fields in the nuclear security arena. Moreover, there should be clear advocacy for an integrated nuclear security education pipeline through the early and mid-career stages. While attempts have been made to bridge the aforementioned gaps, progress remains slow. In this paper, proposals to address this divide are discussed: harmonization of technical and policy fields through interdisciplinary internship and research experiences, requirements for training outside the main field of study, promotion of certificate programs, expansion of hybrid career opportunities, establishment of crossover opportunities or introduction of a foreign service-like program that extends beyond the short term. These measures could improve understanding and communication on both sides of the technical-policy divide, leading to more integrated approaches to addressing nuclear security issues}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 57th {INMM} {Annual} {Meeting}}, author = {McGarry, M.B. and Fisher, M. and Djokic, D. and Opotowsky, A.}, year = {2017}, }
Meghan B. McGarry,
Chris Hoffman,
Baptiste Mouginot,
Drew Buys,
Paul P.H. Wilson,
"State-Level Decision-Making In Cyclus to Assess Multilateral Enrichment",
Proceedings of the 58th INMM Annual Meeting,
Proposed treaties and agreements that aim to reduce the spread of nuclear weapons are often stalled by skepticism regarding their efficacy. For example, the concept of multilateral enrichment, in which multiple states co-own and operate an enrichment facility, has the potential to reduce the spread of enrichment technology. However, detractors point to the improved international networking opportunities inherent in multinational organizations as a risk factor for increased proliferation. A framework to compare the relative risk between a multilateral enrichment paradigm and the status quo, on a regional scale, can help inform the discussion and potentially identify ways to reduce global risk of nuclear proliferation. As part of the Consortium for Verification Technology, the Cyclus fuel cycle simulator is being used as a test-bed for the development of such new technologies and approaches to treaty verification. Cyclus is a systems-level nuclear fuel cycle simulator that models the interactions between actors in the nuclear arena. While designed to track the flow of nuclear material between facilities, Cyclus also incorporates an innovative Region-Institution-Facility hierarchy that can capture the dynamics of state-level interactions. Drawing on social science literature to identify factors that motivate states to pursue weapons programs, we have developed a regional proliferation model that captures causes and effects of state-level nuclear weapons proliferation. The model identifies eight key factors that influence a states decision to pursue nuclear weapons. These factors include motivations internal to the state, such as military spending and governing structure, as well as interactive factors such as conflict between states. Historical data is used to identify the relative importance of these factors and translate them into a likelihood of pursuing a weapon. The model also provides a feedback mechanism such that acquisition of a nuclear weapon by one state influences the decision-making of the other states. This model will be used to assess the effectiveness of policy approaches, such as multilateralization of the fuel cycle, that seek to reduce the regional risk of proliferation over time.
@inproceedings{mcgarry_state-level_2017, address = {Palm Desert, CA, USA}, title = {State-{Level} {Decision}-{Making} {In} {Cyclus} to {Assess} {Multilateral} {Enrichment}}, abstract = {Proposed treaties and agreements that aim to reduce the spread of nuclear weapons are often stalled by skepticism regarding their efficacy. For example, the concept of multilateral enrichment, in which multiple states co-own and operate an enrichment facility, has the potential to reduce the spread of enrichment technology. However, detractors point to the improved international networking opportunities inherent in multinational organizations as a risk factor for increased proliferation. A framework to compare the relative risk between a multilateral enrichment paradigm and the status quo, on a regional scale, can help inform the discussion and potentially identify ways to reduce global risk of nuclear proliferation. As part of the Consortium for Verification Technology, the Cyclus fuel cycle simulator is being used as a test-bed for the development of such new technologies and approaches to treaty verification. Cyclus is a systems-level nuclear fuel cycle simulator that models the interactions between actors in the nuclear arena. While designed to track the flow of nuclear material between facilities, Cyclus also incorporates an innovative Region-Institution-Facility hierarchy that can capture the dynamics of state-level interactions. Drawing on social science literature to identify factors that motivate states to pursue weapons programs, we have developed a regional proliferation model that captures causes and effects of state-level nuclear weapons proliferation. The model identifies eight key factors that influence a states decision to pursue nuclear weapons. These factors include motivations internal to the state, such as military spending and governing structure, as well as interactive factors such as conflict between states. Historical data is used to identify the relative importance of these factors and translate them into a likelihood of pursuing a weapon. The model also provides a feedback mechanism such that acquisition of a nuclear weapon by one state influences the decision-making of the other states. This model will be used to assess the effectiveness of policy approaches, such as multilateralization of the fuel cycle, that seek to reduce the regional risk of proliferation over time.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 58th {INMM} {Annual} {Meeting}}, author = {McGarry, Meghan B. and Hoffman, Chris and Mouginot, Baptiste and Buys, Drew and Wilson, Paul P.H.}, year = {2017}, }
M.B. McGarry,
P.P.H. Wilson,
T. Atwood,
"Cyclus As a Synthetic Testbed of Systems-Level Diversion Signatures",
Proceedings of the 57th INMM Annual Meeting,
Already the dominant source of clean energy, nuclear power is growing at a rapid pace. While beneficial to a world confronting climate change, the nuclear security and non-proliferation impacts of expanding nuclear power will become more consequential. As a result, it is imperative to develop credible methods to verify compliance with treaties that control fissile material production, such as the Non-Proliferation Treaty or a potential Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty. As part of the Consortium for Verification Technology, the Cyclus fuel cycle simulator is being used as a testbed for the development of new technologies and analysis approaches to treaty verification. Cyclus is an agent-based, systems-level simulator that tracks discrete material flow through the entire fuel cycle, from mining through burnup in reactors to a repository, or alternatively through one or more iterations of reprocessing. A systems-level view facilitates the study of correlated signals from different facilities that combine to form identifiable signatures of clandestine activity. Cyclus also includes a region/institution/facility hierarchy that can incorporate the effects of tariffs and sanctions in regional or global contexts. Cyclus enables social- behavioral modeling of the interactions between individual facilities or regions. This paper presents the first use of Cyclus to simulate nuclear material diversion from the fuel cycle using a variety of contemporaneous signals: material flow, facility power consumption, effluent emissions (including geospatial distribution), event-logs. Multiple signal modalities can be analyzed in concert using anomaly detection techniques to identify signatures of material diversion or other signatures of clandestine nuclear weapons development. The Cyclus testbed can then be used to examine treaty verification techniques and inspection regimens to to inform their sensitivity and limitations.
@inproceedings{mcgarry_cyclus_2016, address = {Atlanta, GA, United States}, title = {Cyclus {As} a {Synthetic} {Testbed} of {Systems}-{Level} {Diversion} {Signatures}}, abstract = {Already the dominant source of clean energy, nuclear power is growing at a rapid pace. While beneficial to a world confronting climate change, the nuclear security and non-proliferation impacts of expanding nuclear power will become more consequential. As a result, it is imperative to develop credible methods to verify compliance with treaties that control fissile material production, such as the Non-Proliferation Treaty or a potential Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty. As part of the Consortium for Verification Technology, the Cyclus fuel cycle simulator is being used as a testbed for the development of new technologies and analysis approaches to treaty verification. Cyclus is an agent-based, systems-level simulator that tracks discrete material flow through the entire fuel cycle, from mining through burnup in reactors to a repository, or alternatively through one or more iterations of reprocessing. A systems-level view facilitates the study of correlated signals from different facilities that combine to form identifiable signatures of clandestine activity. Cyclus also includes a region/institution/facility hierarchy that can incorporate the effects of tariffs and sanctions in regional or global contexts. Cyclus enables social- behavioral modeling of the interactions between individual facilities or regions. This paper presents the first use of Cyclus to simulate nuclear material diversion from the fuel cycle using a variety of contemporaneous signals: material flow, facility power consumption, effluent emissions (including geospatial distribution), event-logs. Multiple signal modalities can be analyzed in concert using anomaly detection techniques to identify signatures of material diversion or other signatures of clandestine nuclear weapons development. The Cyclus testbed can then be used to examine treaty verification techniques and inspection regimens to to inform their sensitivity and limitations.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 57th {INMM} {Annual} {Meeting}}, author = {McGarry, M.B. and Wilson, P.P.H. and Atwood, T.}, year = {2016}, }
Elliott Biondo,
Ahmad M. Ibrahim,
Scott W. Mosher,
Robert E. Grove,
"Accelerating Fusion Reactor Neutronics Modeling by Automatic Coupling of Hybrid Monte Carlo/Deterministic Transport on CAD Geometry",
Mathematics & Computations (M&C+SNA+MC 2015),
(April 19–23, 2015)
Detailed radiation transport calculations are necessary for many aspects of the design of fusion energy systems (FES) such as ensuring occupational safety, assessing the activation of system components for waste disposal, and maintaining cryogenic temperatures within superconducting magnets. Hybrid Monte Carlo (MC)/deterministic techniques are necessary for this analysis because FES are large, heavily shielded, and contain streaming paths that can only be resolved with MC. The tremendous complexity of FES necessitates the use of CAD geometry for design and analysis. Previous ITER analysis has required the translation of CAD geometry to MCNP5 form in order to use the AutomateD VAriaNce reducTion Generator (ADVANTG) for hybrid MC/deterministic transport. In this work, ADVANTG was modified to support CAD geometry, allowing hybrid (MC)/deterministic transport to be done automatically and eliminating the need for this translation step. This was done by adding a new ray tracing routine to ADVANTG for CAD geometries using the Direct Accelerated Geometry Monte Carlo (DAGMC) software library. This new capability is demonstrated with a prompt dose rate calculation for an ITER computational benchmark problem using both the Consistent Adjoint Driven Importance Sampling (CADIS) method an the Forward Weighted (FW)-CADIS method. The variance reduction parameters produced by ADVANTG are shown to be the same using CAD geometry and standard MCNP5 geometry. Significant speedups were observed for both neutrons (as high as a factor of 7.1) and photons (as high as a factor of 59.6).
@inproceedings{biondo_accelerating_2015, address = {Nashville, Tennessee}, title = {Accelerating {Fusion} {Reactor} {Neutronics} {Modeling} by {Automatic} {Coupling} of {Hybrid} {Monte} {Carlo}/{Deterministic} {Transport} on {CAD} {Geometry}}, isbn = {978-0-89448-720-0}, abstract = {Detailed radiation transport calculations are necessary for many aspects of the design of fusion energy systems (FES) such as ensuring occupational safety, assessing the activation of system components for waste disposal, and maintaining cryogenic temperatures within superconducting magnets. Hybrid Monte Carlo (MC)/deterministic techniques are necessary for this analysis because FES are large, heavily shielded, and contain streaming paths that can only be resolved with MC. The tremendous complexity of FES necessitates the use of CAD geometry for design and analysis. Previous ITER analysis has required the translation of CAD geometry to MCNP5 form in order to use the AutomateD VAriaNce reducTion Generator (ADVANTG) for hybrid MC/deterministic transport. In this work, ADVANTG was modified to support CAD geometry, allowing hybrid (MC)/deterministic transport to be done automatically and eliminating the need for this translation step. This was done by adding a new ray tracing routine to ADVANTG for CAD geometries using the Direct Accelerated Geometry Monte Carlo (DAGMC) software library. This new capability is demonstrated with a prompt dose rate calculation for an ITER computational benchmark problem using both the Consistent Adjoint Driven Importance Sampling (CADIS) method an the Forward Weighted (FW)-CADIS method. The variance reduction parameters produced by ADVANTG are shown to be the same using CAD geometry and standard MCNP5 geometry. Significant speedups were observed for both neutrons (as high as a factor of 7.1) and photons (as high as a factor of 59.6).}, booktitle = {Mathematics \& {Computations} ({M}\&{C}+{SNA}+{MC} 2015)}, author = {Biondo, Elliott and Ibrahim, Ahmad M. and Mosher, Scott W. and Grove, Robert E.}, month = apr, year = {2015}, keywords = {CNERG:HK20 Final Report}, }
M.B. McGarry,
P.P.H. Wilson,
"Modeling Material Diversion with the Cyclus Nuclear Fuel Cycle Simulator",
International Student Young Pugwash Workshop,
Already the dominant source of clean energy, nuclear power is growing at a rapid pace. While beneficial to a world confronting climate change, there are increasingly serious nuclear security and non-proliferation concerns attendant to this expansion. As a result, it is imperative to develop credible methods to verify compliance with treaties that control fissile material production, such as the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) or a potential Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty (FMCT). As part of the Consortium for Verification Technology, the Cyclus fuel cycle simulator is being used to model current and next-generation nuclear fuel cycles and inform treaty verification. Cyclus is an agent-based, systems-level simulator that tracks discrete material flow through the entire fuel cycle, from mining through burnup in reactors to a repository, or alternatively through one or more iterations of reprocessing. Cyclus includes socio-behavior models of individual actors, facilitating the study of clandestine material diversion from declared fuel cycles. Cyclus also features a region-institution-facility hierarchy that can incorporate the effects of tariffs and sanctions in a regional or global context. This paper presents initial Cyclus simulations of highly enriched uranium diversion from a declared once-through fuel cycle. Simulated material flow signals are analyzed to look for potential diversion of nuclear material for nuclear weaponry use.
@inproceedings{mcgarry_modeling_2015, title = {Modeling {Material} {Diversion} with the {Cyclus} {Nuclear} {Fuel} {Cycle} {Simulator}}, url = {}, abstract = {Already the dominant source of clean energy, nuclear power is growing at a rapid pace. While beneficial to a world confronting climate change, there are increasingly serious nuclear security and non-proliferation concerns attendant to this expansion. As a result, it is imperative to develop credible methods to verify compliance with treaties that control fissile material production, such as the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) or a potential Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty (FMCT). As part of the Consortium for Verification Technology, the Cyclus fuel cycle simulator is being used to model current and next-generation nuclear fuel cycles and inform treaty verification. Cyclus is an agent-based, systems-level simulator that tracks discrete material flow through the entire fuel cycle, from mining through burnup in reactors to a repository, or alternatively through one or more iterations of reprocessing. Cyclus includes socio-behavior models of individual actors, facilitating the study of clandestine material diversion from declared fuel cycles. Cyclus also features a region-institution-facility hierarchy that can incorporate the effects of tariffs and sanctions in a regional or global context. This paper presents initial Cyclus simulations of highly enriched uranium diversion from a declared once-through fuel cycle. Simulated material flow signals are analyzed to look for potential diversion of nuclear material for nuclear weaponry use.}, booktitle = {International {Student} {Young} {Pugwash} {Workshop}}, author = {McGarry, M.B. and Wilson, P.P.H.}, year = {2015}, }
Matthew Gidden,
R. Carlsen,
A. Opotowsky,
O. Rakhimov,
A. Scopatz,
et al,
"Agent-Based Dynamic Resource Exchange in Cyclus",
Proceedings of PHYSOR,
(September 2014)
@inproceedings{gidden_agent-based_2014, address = {Kyoto, Japan}, title = {Agent-{Based} {Dynamic} {Resource} {Exchange} in {Cyclus}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {PHYSOR}}, author = {Gidden, Matthew and Carlsen, R. and Opotowsky, A. and Rakhimov, O. and Scopatz, A. and Wilson, P.}, month = sep, year = {2014}, keywords = {published}, }
Anthony Scopatz,
Elliott D. Biondo,
Carsten Brachem,
John Xia,
Paul P.H. WIlson,
"PyNE Progress Report",
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society,
(November 2013)
@inproceedings{scopatz_pyne_2013, title = {{PyNE} {Progress} {Report}}, url = {}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society}}, author = {Scopatz, Anthony and Biondo, Elliott D. and Brachem, Carsten and Xia, John and WIlson, Paul P.H.}, month = nov, year = {2013}, }
C.A. D'Angelo,
P.P.H Wilson,
A. Davis,
"Comparison between Unstructured Mesh Capabilities of DAGMCNP and MCNP6",
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society,
(November 2013)
@inproceedings{dangelo_comparison_2013, title = {Comparison between {Unstructured} {Mesh} {Capabilities} of {DAGMCNP} and {MCNP6}}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society}}, author = {D'Angelo, C.A. and Wilson, P.P.H and Davis, A.}, month = nov, year = {2013}, }
K. L. Dunn,
P. P. H. Wilson,
"Bandwidth Sensitivity for Kernel Density Estimated Mesh Tallies",
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society,
(Nov 2013)
@inproceedings{dunn_bandwidth_2013, title = {Bandwidth {Sensitivity} for {Kernel} {Density} {Estimated} {Mesh} {Tallies}}, volume = {109}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society}}, author = {Dunn, K. L. and Wilson, P. P. H.}, month = nov, year = {2013}, pages = {687--690}, }
Matthew Gidden,
Paul Wilson,
"An Agent-Based Framework for Fuel Cycle Simulation with Recycling",
Proceedings of GLOBAL,
(September 2013)
@inproceedings{gidden_agent-based_2013, address = {Salt Lake City, UT, United States}, title = {An {Agent}-{Based} {Framework} for {Fuel} {Cycle} {Simulation} with {Recycling}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {GLOBAL}}, author = {Gidden, Matthew and Wilson, Paul}, month = sep, year = {2013}, }
E. Relson,
P.P.H. Wilson,
Elliott Biondo,
"Improved Mesh Based Photon Sampling Techniques For Neutron Activation Analysis",
M&C 2013,
(May 5-9, 2013)
The design of fusion power systems requires analysis of neutron activation of large, complex volumes, and the resulting particles emitted from these volumes. Structured mesh-based discretization of these problems allows for improved modeling in these activation analysis problems. Finer discretization of these problems results in large computational costs, which drives the investigation of more efficient methods. Within an ad hoc subroutine of the Monte Carlo transport code MCNP, we implement sampling of voxels and photon energies for volumetric sources using the alias method. The alias method enables efficient sampling of a discrete probability distribution, and operates in O(1) time, whereas the simpler direct discrete method requires O(log(n)) time. By using the alias method, voxel sampling becomes a viable alternative to sampling space with the O(1) approach of uniformly sampling the problem volume. Additionally, with voxel sampling it is straightforward to introduce biasing of volumetric sources, and we implement this biasing of voxels as an additional variance reduction technique that can be applied. We verify our implementation and compare the alias method, with and without biasing, to direct discrete sampling of voxels, and to uniform sampling. We study the behavior of source biasing in a second set of tests and find trends between improvements and source shape, material, and material density. Overall, however, the magnitude of improvements from source biasing appears to be limited. Future work will benefit from the implementation of efficient voxel sampling – particularly with conformal unstructured meshes where the uniform sampling approach cannot be applied.
@inproceedings{relson_improved_2013, address = {Sun Valley, ID}, title = {Improved {Mesh} {Based} {Photon} {Sampling} {Techniques} {For} {Neutron} {Activation} {Analysis}}, abstract = {The design of fusion power systems requires analysis of neutron activation of large, complex volumes, and the resulting particles emitted from these volumes. Structured mesh-based discretization of these problems allows for improved modeling in these activation analysis problems. Finer discretization of these problems results in large computational costs, which drives the investigation of more efficient methods. Within an ad hoc subroutine of the Monte Carlo transport code MCNP, we implement sampling of voxels and photon energies for volumetric sources using the alias method. The alias method enables efficient sampling of a discrete probability distribution, and operates in O(1) time, whereas the simpler direct discrete method requires O(log(n)) time. By using the alias method, voxel sampling becomes a viable alternative to sampling space with the O(1) approach of uniformly sampling the problem volume. Additionally, with voxel sampling it is straightforward to introduce biasing of volumetric sources, and we implement this biasing of voxels as an additional variance reduction technique that can be applied. We verify our implementation and compare the alias method, with and without biasing, to direct discrete sampling of voxels, and to uniform sampling. We study the behavior of source biasing in a second set of tests and find trends between improvements and source shape, material, and material density. Overall, however, the magnitude of improvements from source biasing appears to be limited. Future work will benefit from the implementation of efficient voxel sampling – particularly with conformal unstructured meshes where the uniform sampling approach cannot be applied.}, booktitle = {M\&{C} 2013}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Relson, E. and Wilson, P.P.H. and Biondo, Elliott}, month = may, year = {2013}, keywords = {ALARA, CNERG:HK20 Final Report, MCNP, Photons, R2S-ACT, Sampling}, }
K. L. Dunn,
P. H. Wilson,
"Monte Carlo Mesh Tallies based on a Kernel Density Estimator Approach using Integrated Particle Tracks",
M&C 2013,
(May 5-9, 2013)
@inproceedings{dunn_monte_2013, address = {Sun Valley, ID}, title = {Monte {Carlo} {Mesh} {Tallies} based on a {Kernel} {Density} {Estimator} {Approach} using {Integrated} {Particle} {Tracks}}, booktitle = {M\&{C} 2013}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society}, author = {Dunn, K. L. and Wilson, P. H.}, month = may, year = {2013}, }
Kathryn D. Huff,
"Hydrologic Nuclide Transport Models in Cyder, a Geologic Disposal Software Library.",
(February 24--28, 2013)
@inproceedings{huff_hydrologic_2013, address = {Phoenix, AZ}, title = {Hydrologic {Nuclide} {Transport} {Models} in {Cyder}, a {Geologic} {Disposal} {Software} {Library}.}, shorttitle = {13328}, booktitle = {{WM2013}}, publisher = {Waste Management Symposium}, author = {Huff, Kathryn D.}, month = feb, year = {2013}, }
Elliott D. Biondo,
Eric Relson,
Andrew Davis,
Paul P.H. WIlson,
"Implementation, Benchmarking, and Application of R2S-ACT: an Open-Source, Mesh-Based, Rigorous 2-Step Activation Workflow",
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society,
(November 12, 2012)
@inproceedings{biondo_implementation_2012, address = {Washington, D.C.}, title = {Implementation, {Benchmarking}, and {Application} of {R2S}-{ACT}: an {Open}-{Source}, {Mesh}-{Based}, {Rigorous} 2-{Step} {Activation} {Workflow}}, volume = {109}, url = {}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society}}, author = {Biondo, Elliott D. and Relson, Eric and Davis, Andrew and WIlson, Paul P.H.}, month = nov, year = {2012}, pages = {1180--1183}, }
Kathryn Huff,
Mark Nutt,
"Key Processes and Parameters in a Generic Clay Disposal System Model",
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society,
(November 11--15, 2012)
Sensitivity analysis was performed with respect to various key processes and parameters affecting long-term post-closure performance of geologic repositories in clay media. Based on the detailed computational Clay Generic Disposal Sys- tem Model (GDSM) developed by the Used Fuel Disposition (UFD) campaign [1], these results provide an overview of the relative importance of processes that affect the repository per- formance of a generic clay disposal concept model. Further analysis supports a basis for development of rapid abstracted models in the context of system level fuel cycle simulation. Processes and parameters found to influence repository perfor- mance include the rate of waste form degradation, timing of waste package failure, and various coupled geochemical and hydrologic characteristics of the natural system including dif- fusion, solubility, and advection.
@inproceedings{huff_key_2012, address = {San Diego, CA}, series = {Environmental {Sciences} -- {General}}, title = {Key {Processes} and {Parameters} in a {Generic} {Clay} {Disposal} {System} {Model}}, volume = {107}, url = {}, abstract = {Sensitivity analysis was performed with respect to various key processes and parameters affecting long-term post-closure performance of geologic repositories in clay media. Based on the detailed computational Clay Generic Disposal Sys- tem Model (GDSM) developed by the Used Fuel Disposition (UFD) campaign [1], these results provide an overview of the relative importance of processes that affect the repository per- formance of a generic clay disposal concept model. Further analysis supports a basis for development of rapid abstracted models in the context of system level fuel cycle simulation. Processes and parameters found to influence repository perfor- mance include the rate of waste form degradation, timing of waste package failure, and various coupled geochemical and hydrologic characteristics of the natural system including dif- fusion, solubility, and advection.}, language = {English}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society}}, publisher = {the American Nuclear Society}, author = {Huff, Kathryn and Nutt, Mark}, month = nov, year = {2012}, pages = {208--211}, }
K. L. Dunn,
P. P. H. Wilson,
"Kernel Density Estimators for Monte Carlo Tallies on Unstructured Meshes",
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society,
(Nov 2012)
@inproceedings{dunn_kernel_2012, title = {Kernel {Density} {Estimators} for {Monte} {Carlo} {Tallies} on {Unstructured} {Meshes}}, volume = {107}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society}}, author = {Dunn, K. L. and Wilson, P. P. H.}, month = nov, year = {2012}, pages = {490--493}, }
Kathryn Huff,
Theodore H. Bauer,
"Numerical Calibration of an Analytical Generic Nuclear Repository Heat Transfer Model",
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society,
(June 24--28, 2012)
This work describes a benchmarking effort conducted to de- termine the accuracy of a new generic geology thermal repos- itory model relative to more traditional techniques and pro- poses a physically plausible auxillary thermal resistance com- ponent to improve their agreement.
@inproceedings{huff_numerical_2012, address = {Chicago, IL, United States}, series = {Modeling and {Simulation} in the {Fuel} {Cycle}}, title = {Numerical {Calibration} of an {Analytical} {Generic} {Nuclear} {Repository} {Heat} {Transfer} {Model}}, volume = {106}, abstract = {This work describes a benchmarking effort conducted to de- termine the accuracy of a new generic geology thermal repos- itory model relative to more traditional techniques and pro- poses a physically plausible auxillary thermal resistance com- ponent to improve their agreement.}, language = {English}, booktitle = {Transactions of the {American} {Nuclear} {Society}}, publisher = {American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, IL 60526, United States}, author = {Huff, Kathryn and Bauer, Theodore H.}, month = jun, year = {2012}, pages = {260--263}, }
R.N. Slaybaugh,
T.M. Evans,
G.G. Davidson,
P.P.H. Wilson,
"Rayleigh Quotient Iteration in 3D, Deterministic Neutron Transport",
(Apr 15-20, 2012)
@inproceedings{slaybaugh_rayleigh_2012, address = {Knoxville, TN, United States}, title = {Rayleigh {Quotient} {Iteration} in {3D}, {Deterministic} {Neutron} {Transport}}, author = {Slaybaugh, R.N. and Evans, T.M. and Davidson, G.G. and Wilson, P.P.H.}, month = apr, year = {2012}, }