CNERG / Members of CNERG Community

Katie Biegel
PhD Candidate, Graduate Researcher at Argonne National Laboratory Building 208 9700 S. Cass Ave Lemont, IL 60439Current and Recent Projects
- I’m using and developing new features for the Argonne Low-Carbon Energy Framework (A-LEAF) software tool. A-LEAF is an optimization-based tool which finds global least-cost solutions to unit commitment, economic dispatch, and capacity expansion.
- Developing agent-based modeling capabilities for A-LEAF, in order to realistically simulate the capital investment choices of agents operating with limited local information and acting to maximize local benefits, using real-options valuation and portfolio optimization. Capabilities will help to characterize the economic and technical performance parameters required for advanced reactors to be viable commercial products.
- Assessing economic impact of increased electric vehicle deployments and varied charging patterns on the economic viability of nuclear power
- Modeling economic impact of minute- and hour-scale load-following capabilities for nuclear reactors in an ERCOT-like electricity market system
Education and Prior Work
- University of Wisconsin - Madison, PhD candidate in Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics (2017-current)
- Manager, PowerAdvocate Client Services (energy consulting group) (2015-2017)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, BS in Nuclear Science and Engineering (2015)
Current Projects
- Agent-based Capacity Expansion