CNERG / Members of CNERG Community

Paul P.H. Wilson
Grainger Professor of Nuclear Engineering 608/263-0807 153 Engineering Research Building

Paul Wilson is the Grainger Professor of Nuclear Engineering and current department chair of the University of Wisconsin-Madison‘s Department of Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics. His research uses computer models to improve the designs of complex nuclear energy systems and to shed light on important policy aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle, including nuclear waste management and non-proliferation. Paul joined the University of Wisconsin-Madison as an assistant professor in August 2001 as part of the Energy Systems and Policy Hiring Initiative.
Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, and raised in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada, Paul has a Bachelor of Applied Science from the University of Toronto (1992), a doctoral degree in mechanical engineering from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (1998), and a PhD. in Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics from U. Wisconsin-Madison (1999).
Paul has been active in the American Nuclear Society for over 30 years and was the founding president of the North American Young Generation in Nuclear [NA-YGN]. He represented the ANS and NA-YGN at the international climate change negotiations in Buenos Aires, Argentina (1998), and Bonn, Germany (1999). He is also a member of the Canadian Nuclear Society, the American Society for Engineering Education, the Institute for Nuclear Materials Management, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Paul is married and has two adult daughters. They enjoy biking around Madison’s paths, floating on its lakes, eating at its restaurants, and enjoying its theaters.