Current CNERG Projects

Radiation Transport and Nuclear Analysis Methods

Unstructured Adaptive Mesh Algorithms for Monte Carlo Transport
Lead PI: Prof. April Novak (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
CNERG PI: Dr. Paul P.H. Wilson
Funding source: Nuclear Energy University Program, Office of Nuclear Energy, US Department of Energy
Period of performance: 2024-08-01 to 2027-09-30
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Recent growth in computing now permits large-scale multiphysics modeling using Monte Carlo methods, considered state-of-the-art for particle transport. The Monte Carlo method is well-suited for benchmarking lower-fidelity tools, guiding multigroup cross section library development, and aspects of reactor design. However, Monte Carlo methods remain expensive, especially in multiphysics workflows where simulations are performed iteratively. Significant expertise is also needed to pre-divide phase space for scoring tallies, taking into account competing effects including spatial detail, runtime, memory usage, and propagation of truncation/statistical errors to coupled physics solvers. Adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) is a technique which adaptively refines (or coarsens) a mesh to preferentially add Degrees of Freedom (DOFs) where the error is highest, and remove DOFs where the solution is already well-captured. Despite the remarkable success of AMR in other fields, there has been very limited use of AMR for Monte Carlo tally meshes, especially in the context of multiphysics or in combination with hand p-refinement. This proposal will develop the fundamental methods and techniques for unstructured mesh AMR with Monte Carlo tallies to enable a transformative leap forward in speed, accuracy, and robustness of Monte Carlo methods for advanced simulation.

Lead PI: Prof. Amitava Battacharjee (Princeton University)
CNERG PI: Dr. Paul P.H. Wilson
Funding source: Fusion Energy Sciences SciDAC program, US Department of Energy
Period of performance: 2023-10-01 to 2027-09-30
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Rapid Assessment of Fusion Material Activation
Lead PI: Dr. Paul P.H. Wilson
Funding source: Just Fusion funded by WARF
Period of performance: 2024-01-01 to 2027-05-01
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Nuclear Systems Analysis

Stellarator Breeding Blanket Design & Optimization
Lead PI: Dr. Paul P.H. Wilson
Funding source: Type One Energy
Period of performance: 2023-12-10 to 2025-03-31
Other Collaborators:

High-fidelity Power Distribution and Burnup for Load-Following Microreactor
Lead PI: Dr. Paul P.H. Wilson
Funding source: Unfunded project; students may be supported by various sources
Period of performance: 2021-09-01 to 2026-12-31
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Nuclear Fuel Cycle Analysis

Illuminating Emerging Supply Chain and Waste Management Challenges
Lead PI: Prof. Madicken Munk (Oregon State University)
CNERG PI: Dr. Paul P.H. Wilson
Funding source: Nuclear Energy University Program, Office of Nuclear Energy, US Department of Energy
Period of performance: 2023-10-01 to 2026-09-30
Other CNERG Collaborators:
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Nuclear Security and Nonproliferation

Consortium for Enabling Technology and Innovation (ETI)
Lead PI: Prof. Anna Erickson (Georgia Institute of Technology)
CNERG PI: Dr. Paul P.H. Wilson
Funding source: Office of Nuclear Non-proliferation R&D, National Nuclear Security Administration
Period of performance: 2019-10-01 to 2025-09-30
Other CNERG Collaborators:
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Consortium for Monitoring Technology and Verification (MTV)
Lead PI: Prof. Sara Pozzi (University of Michigan)
CNERG PI: Dr. Paul P.H. Wilson
Funding source: Office of Nuclear Non-proliferation R&D, National Nuclear Security Administration
Period of performance: 2019-10-01 to 2025-09-30
Other CNERG Collaborators:
Other Collaborators:

Techno-economics and Energy Transitions

Agent-based Capacity Expansion
Lead PI: Dr. Paul P.H. Wilson
Funding source: Unfunded project; students may be supported by various sources
Period of performance: 2020-09-01 to 2025-06-30
Other CNERG Collaborators:
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